July 06, 2021 @ 12:00am

Need to Make a Homeowners Claim? Here’s What You Need to Know.



We all hope it never happens, but there is always the possibility that something could go wrong and a homeowners insurance claim needs to be made. Damages can be caused by many things including fire, lightning, or theft, but no matter the incident, taking the right steps after the fact can help you get your life back to normal as quickly as possible.

We have compiled a list of important things to know and do if you ever find yourself in this situation. Use this as a baseline and always know your Customer Service Agent at Schwarz Insurance is here to help.

Stay Safe

The most important rule to follow when your home is damaged is to make sure you stay safe. If you are away from your home when damage occurs, carefully access the situation before reentering. If there is major damage or you are not sure how to proceed, it is a good idea to contact your local government officials for advice. If your house suffers damage while you are home, and it becomes dangerous to stay on the premises, leave as soon as possible.

Keep an eye out for downed power lines near your home. If this happens, make sure to report them to the utility company. If there is standing water in your home, turn off your electricity to prevent further damage.

Contact your Agent

When it is safe to do so, contact your agent here at Schwarz Insurance (800-552-8942). If you do not know who your agent is, we will be more than happy to connect you to them. Once you get in contact with your agent, it may be helpful to take note of their name and number so you can easily contact them in the future with any additional questions.


If it is possible, take some steps to make sure your home is protected from any additional damage. This may include removing items from the home, boarding up windows, or unplugging electronics. This is a step you should take only if you can do so safely. Your agent can help you make the best decision about if/how you should further protect your belongings.


Start making a list of any items that were lost or damaged in your home. It is also helpful to keep any damaged items until they can be inspected by the claim adjuster. To make this process easier you may consider taking pictures or videos of damaged items to provide to your agent. Also, if you happen to have any receipts for your damaged items, compile these as well.


Hopefully this is not the case, but if your home is too damaged for you to live in while repairs are being made and items are being replaced, find somewhere where you can temporarily relocate. If this causes you to have extra expenses, such as a hotel bill, keep your receipts as your policy may cover these extra costs.

Things to Remember

After you have reported your claim to your agent, you will receive documents that need to be filled out within a certain time frame. Please make sure to fill these forms out as quickly as possible. However, if you have any questions please reach out to your agent as they are more than willing to help.

It is also important to contact your mortgage lender and inform them of the damage/loss your home has endured. Your mortgage lender will be able to discuss possible contractor bids with you and may even want to inspect any work the contractor does before making a final payment.

About the author: Schwarz Insurance

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